Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ping. Posted by Picasa

I include this one so you can see how grey my hair really is. But hey, when you get past 50, it happens! Posted by Picasa

I don't really look this good, but Ping does! Posted by Picasa

Ping in traditional Chinese dress. Posted by Picasa

This is what I really look like without all the makeup. Ping too. Posted by Picasa

What a beach looks like in north-east China. Jinzhou city, Lioaning Province. Posted by Picasa

At the "beach", Jinzhou. Posted by Picasa

A monastry before an ancient tower in the hills above Chaoyang. Posted by Picasa

I get in a quick workout with Pipi, before one of the ancient towers at Chaoyang City, dong-bei. Posted by Picasa

Pipi and I at the beach in JinZhou, Liaoning province. Posted by Picasa

She looks so lovely! You'd never know the truth! Posted by Picasa

A lovely shot of Ping! Posted by Picasa

My niece, Pipi, in the park at Chaoyang city. Posted by Picasa

That's my niece, Pipi, and I, at the local fun park in Chaoyang City. Posted by Picasa

My parents in-law, and I. This was taken in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. Posted by Picasa

Ping really likes this photo, so I'd better post it! Posted by Picasa

Yep, Ping and I. Posted by Picasa

More of the same! Posted by Picasa

Traditional Ping Posted by Picasa

Ping and I Posted by Picasa